Triple 7's - Rated 7

Triple 7’s
Triple7's is one of the newer trails at Sand Hollow. Although this trail is a little shorter than some of the other trails at Sand Hollow, it is packed with 7 rated obstacles. Generally most trails give drivers a little breathing room between obstacles, however Triple 7's keeps the drivers on their toes with not much easy terrain between each obstacle. This would be considered one of the more difficult trails rated as a 7, however, an Full Body FJ-40 and full body Land Cruiser FJ-80 completed the trail with no breaks or body damage.
The trail riders will enter the park entrance and go through the tunnel, once through the tunnel, turn hard left and follow the signs to the Trail Head. To access the Trail Head, drives will head along the highway fence line until they get the first major wash on the right. The first two obstacles are 100 feet into the trail.
This new trail is trending to fill up fast, so be sure to sign up soon.
Scenery is somewhat limited until you reach the summit of the trail at which point you have a great view of the Lake at Sand Hollow and portions of Zion National Park.
Sand dunes and sandy roads, then slickrock ledges and cracks, then and two-track rocky roads.
Trail Details
There a many obstacles on this 7-rated trail, with little to no room in between for relaxing. There are bypasses for several of the obstacles for those looking for a break. The trail starts with "Cam Country" (a series of slickrock ledges and rolling rocks) and then to "The Dipper" (a Crack that can swallow up a vehicle, on the edge of a cliff ). From there, participants will drive up the narrow slick rock fin with cliffs on each side to the "Stairway" which sits at the summit of the trail. This is generally a good stopping point for lunch as you can also watch other vehicles on trails near by. Shortly after the summit, drivers will drop into a small sandstone valley and make the climb out the other side. A series of twisty gullies and ledges called "The Gauntlet" finish the difficult sections of the trail. From there drivers will enjoy the view as they drop a few ledges back down towards the lake.
Staging and Departure Times and locations:
Trail: Triple 7's
Rated: 7